August 15, 2011

Making the Credits

So after we finished creating the other scenes, we decided that we were going to do the credits. We were going to do the credits in iMovie, but then decided to do it in Animation-ish because the majority of our movie was animation, and it would flow nicely to have the credits in animation. For the credits, we included the cartoon character that was in our first few scenes. We also mentioned Tory for helping us in filming for some of the scenes, and then we put a special thanks to Mr Powell, because he helped us a lot when we had trouble with some things or were stuck on something. For the special thanks, I thought that we could do something a bit different. So I found a picture of him on the school website, photoshopped it so that there was only his face, and then added that to a cartoon of a body that we found on Animation-ish. In the credits, we also included scribbled out parts for the transition of one scene to another, because in the actual movie, we used the scribbling motions a lot of times for transition. We also found out that colouring the cartoon character (the first one) in looked a lot better, and so we decided to go back to the first few scenes and colour it in again.

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