September 17, 2011


For this Creative Media assignment, me and Abbey decided to do something related to do global warming and the environment. So we thought up of an idea of how a magic seed could appear in an environment that was black and white, and everyone was suffering because of the bad environment (hence the coughing in the video). For this particular part we decided to put in sad music to make the feeling be shown better. We then thought that the seed could explode into another environment where the world is all colourful and also like a cartoon, because everyone is perfect. For this section, Abbey thought that the song 'Walking on Sunshine' would be good, so I agreed and we used that song for the cartoon section. In the story, suddenly the world fades away, with the whole world turning into a world of black. When Abbey was drawing this scene, she thought of the idea of the clouds raining black tear like drops, and then that flooding the whole scene. I thought that this idea was a really good one, which made the fade out more smooth than it would have been without that idea. In this part, we put in the sad music again, but fading in from the happy music so it would get the fact that the world was 'fading away'. I also put a thunder clap jingle from Garageband, because I personally thought it matched the scene alot. Previously, the next scene was just straight away the little girl waking up from her dream, however we then decided to add another mini white and black explosion because we thought it sent the message better that she was infact waking up from a dream. For the little girl scene, I got a picture of a cartoon girl sleeping from the internet, traced it on Animation-ish, and then used the selecting tool and the moving tool to make her look like she was blinking and moving her head. After this scene, we repeated the first few scenes from the very first scene, to the explosion to show that the dream actually happened in real life. This part was the easiest, because all we had to do was copy and paste the scenes into the back of the movie. After that, we put in our credits for the movie. Before, me and Abbey were just thinking of putting in the credits through iMovie, which would make it a lot easier, however Mr Powell suggested that we used Animation-ish because it matched the rest of our film. So we got to creating the credits through Animation-ish. A problem we had with this assignment was with the USB's. About 2 days before the Assignment was due, I discovered that my USB had broken. We searched Abbey for the movies and found that she had everything but she did not have the updated version of the magic seed scene and the credits. We were not worried about the credits because we just had to draw this, but we were worried about the magic seed scene. For this scene, originally the guy who brought the seed in would walk out again, but we just decided to keep him in there and put the explosion over him. So that is how we solved our problem. From this I learnt that we should definitely be saving our assignments on both our USB's and maybe also email the minor parts to ourselves so that if something happens, we always have it in some other place. I thought that for our assignment we managed our time well, because we had finished the assignment with about a month left to go to the due date (this is without the sound). We started planning out our sound and then I put it in at home on Garageband. Overall I really enjoyed doing this assignment and working with Abbey.

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