May 24, 2012

Plot Recipe


- 1 confused teenage girl in love with her boyfriend.
- Several suspicious high school students.
- High School setting.
- 2 extremely protective parents
- 1 missing boyfriend.
- 1 dangerous cliff

1. Firstly, take a beautiful teenage girl and make her unconscious.
2. Make her wake up and to have lost all memory of what has happened in the past week.
3. Then, let it be revealed to her that her boyfriend has disappeared, and then found dead at the bottom of a cliff.
4. Now, in the midst of her confusion, insert some suspicious friends into the situation. They will confuse her more and make the friends accuse one another.
5. As she goes searching for the answer of her boyfriend's death, make her realise something extremely important to the situation. This important point needs to be related to someone who did not have a big role  until now.
6. Let the girl question and confront those accused, and finally she will be able to remember what happened the very night her boyfriend disappeared.
7. Be sure to make this a twist, and to end the film with a shot of her big realisation.

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