July 25, 2011

Finishing the first scenes - images

1. Creating a new action.

2. Pressing record.

3. Adjusting the picture so that it is black and white. NOTE: While recording.

4. Saving

5. Closing the picture.

6. Clicking 'stop recording'.

Finshing the first scenes - explanation

Because we finished all our animation scenes, we started our last iStopmotion scenes last lesson. With the help of Tory, we filmed our first few scenes outside. After we had filmed these scenes, we had to make the frames all black and white. To do this, we exported the iStopmotion film into images, and put all the images into a folder. We had about 130 images in total. With these images, we then opened them all in Photoshop. Because it would be too hard to individually change all the frames into black and white, we decided to use a tool called 'Actions'. When opened, we pressed a button called 'new action'. With this we pressed a button that looked like a record sign. We then went through all the steps we had to in order to change a single frame to greyscale. After this, we clicked save and close. When we had finished all the steps, we pressed the record button again so that the 'recording' would stop. This would then save as an action in the actions tab. All we would have to do then was click on the next frame, and press the 'play' button. Then all the actions we had saved would play so that each frame turned into black and white, saved and then closed by itself. We found this extremely useful because it made the job alot easier as we had more than 130 frames in total.

July 19, 2011

Our progress so far..

So far, Abbey and I have worked hard on a animation/stopmotion assignment. We have finished the majority of the scenes in our story board. We now have about 3 scenes to go, which consist of having to use iStopMotion to create the scene which consists of a person walking through a heavily polluted place, in which some random person comes and plants a seed, which then moves on to the next scene, which causes a colourful explosion and then moves on to the next scene. Once we have finished the stopmotion parts, we can bring them altogether and then do the finishing parts.