February 21, 2011

Personality Profile

My race of people are very similar to zombies. They can get very aggressive and do not like to socialize with people of other races or families. They have extremely good eyesight which is why they have huge eyes. They have pale skin. The people themselves are not horrific but they use their scary features to scare off people that they consider a threat to themselves. Their hair colour describes their current mood. The less colourful the hair colour is, the more aggressive they will be. Their eye colour also represents their mood. The colour of my race's eyes is red. However, as they get more angry or aggressive the shade of red will become brighter and redder. When they are less aggressive the eye colour will be similar to a maroon. According to their appearance, their current hunger status can also be known. When they are hungry, their lip colour will be an inky black. On the other side, when they are not hungry, their lip colour will be as colourful as the rainbow. They always live in dark places, to help with their protection from enemies, but if their current thoughts and feelings are not aggressive, the colour of their lips, hair, etc will change anyway. They will also often wear bright colours such as red,pink,white because they're actual minds are not so dark as how they appear.

February 17, 2011

Pros and Cons of Photoshop


- Plays with your imagination.
- Can do anything that comes to your mind, even if it is something that wouldn't exist in the real world.
- Can make peoples appearance look better (?)


- Enables people to do illegal acts.
Eg. Can Photoshop people (mostly celebrities) doing stuff they didn't, and in result ruining their reputation.

February 12, 2011

For fun



Angry emotions


This cartoon is showing anger by its red eyes and its frown. When one sees a cartoon with red eyes, automatically you can think that it is either evil or angry. This cartoon is also showing its anger because it is frowning. You can also see frown lines on its forehead.

This boy is showing its anger with body language. It is clenching its fist and pointing it to the viewer as if he is going to punch someone. He is also frowning like the picture above. He also has shut his lips tightly which makes him look like he is not going to change whatever his choice is.


This woman is also showing her feelings with her body language. She is pointing her finger at the camera and also frowning. She has widened her eyes which also makes her look more angry. Unlike the sad emotions, all pictures have highlighted their faces so that the focal point of the photo is their face and their face expression.

Clara H 9S

Happy emotions


This cartoon is portraying a happy emotion. This cartoon is telling us that it is showing happiness because it has a wide smile. We can also see that it is happy because its eyes are also smiling with its open mouth.


We can see that this woman is happy as she is clenching her fist but gently, so as if something good has happened. She has a smile on her face and is also smiling with her eyes.


We can tell that this boy is happy because like the other pictures, he is also smiling. Also another similarity with the pictures is that they all have a light and bright colour scheme. The pictures are mostly made up with bright colours.

Clara H 9S

February 11, 2011

Sad emotions

http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/9208829/2/istockphoto_9208829-sad-little-girl-looking-down-and-holding-flowers.jpg (11/02/11)

This picture is showing a young girl looking down and expressing sadness. This picture expresses sadness as the girl is looking down and her hair is covering her face. Automatically, one thinks that she is sad or is ashamed of something. The lighting of the photo also affects the mood of the picture. As the background is a light colour, and her dress is also relatively light, but her face is under shadows it enhances the sad mood.

http://b-med.net/files/music/sad_peng.png (11/02/11)

This picture of a cartooned penguin is once again showing sadness. It shows sadness because it is crying and you can see the purple tear falling from its left eye. It also expresses sadness because its eyes look worried and sad. It is also nearly frowing which adds to the imagery.

http://alexanderstoyanov.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/sad-clown.jpg (11/02/11)

Once again, this picture of a boy dressed up as a clown shows that he is sad. Similar to the previous picture, he is crying, his eyes express sadness and he is slightly frowning. Also, the makeup on his face also add the the sad mood. For example, his lip makeup is drooping down, so that it looks as if his actual lips were drooping down. The lighting and colours in this image also add to the mood. The colour scheme of this photo is dark and mostly black and grey.

By Clara H 9S