February 21, 2011

Personality Profile

My race of people are very similar to zombies. They can get very aggressive and do not like to socialize with people of other races or families. They have extremely good eyesight which is why they have huge eyes. They have pale skin. The people themselves are not horrific but they use their scary features to scare off people that they consider a threat to themselves. Their hair colour describes their current mood. The less colourful the hair colour is, the more aggressive they will be. Their eye colour also represents their mood. The colour of my race's eyes is red. However, as they get more angry or aggressive the shade of red will become brighter and redder. When they are less aggressive the eye colour will be similar to a maroon. According to their appearance, their current hunger status can also be known. When they are hungry, their lip colour will be an inky black. On the other side, when they are not hungry, their lip colour will be as colourful as the rainbow. They always live in dark places, to help with their protection from enemies, but if their current thoughts and feelings are not aggressive, the colour of their lips, hair, etc will change anyway. They will also often wear bright colours such as red,pink,white because they're actual minds are not so dark as how they appear.

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