February 15, 2012

Recipe for a Horror Movie

  1. Suspenseful music
  2. Dark lighting
  3. Items of violence (knife, axe, etc.)
  4. A big and empty house
  5. Creaky doors and stairs
  6. Blood and gore
  7. A scared young women
  8. Whispering sounds.

  1. Firstly, introduce the big and empty house with not much lighting, mostly moonlight.
  2. Enter the scared young women, curious about the house.
  3. As she enters the house, create creaky door sound effects and creaking sounds when she climbs up the stairs.
  4. Start suspenseful music.
  5. Stop music and start whispering sound effects.
  6. Women finds bloody knife on table.
  7. Women turns around suddenly
  8. Surprising sound effects
  9. Women dies of knife stabbing.

1 comment:

  1. Is that the end??? I think it needs more of a resolution...more of a plotline. Good effort though!
