August 12, 2012

Reflection on mise-en-scene etc.

-       For setting, an actual house was used for scenes to make it more realistic.
-       All scenes were shot in the same setting for continuality.
-       Flashback scenes were black and white to make it more clear and easy for the audience to differentiate the flashbacks and normal scenes.

-       In one of the shots in the scene when Nate falls to his death, the camera movement is very blurry and as if the being rolled around, to create a shot made in Nate’s perspective when rolling down the hill.
-       In the same scene, there is a shot where the camera is at a low angle to Blaire, to make her look more powerful.
-       Several over-the-shoulder shots were used to make the audience feel as if they were actually in the situation.

-       Certain transitions were used repetitively for the scenes from where Blaire has flashbacks and then back to the real world.
-       Shots from different angles were used in scenes so that it wasn’t too boring and continuous.

-       There is not too much dialogue in some of the flashback scenes, to show that Blaire has trouble remembering.
-       Splashing sounds were kept in Nate’s death scene to make it clearer to the audience that Nate fell in the water.
-       Dialogue was mostly used in the scenes to show progress in the storyline.

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